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Browse new books in the catalog
Check out our collections of eBooks and eAudiobooks
Create your own book club with our Book Club in a Bag
eBooks and eAudiobooks
Read and Listen to a wide variety of eBooks, eAudioBooks, music, and comics with Hoopla! You can even watch movies and TV shows! Available for most computers and mobile devices.
Download eBooks from Libby by Overdrive (via the South Jersey Audiobook and eBook Download Center). Available for most computers and mobile devices.
Reading Suggestions
Need a Book Service
The Gloucester County Library offers the Need A Book? reader’s advisory service for our customers. How does it work?
- Fill in the reader profile. Include as much information as you wish.
- Staff will create a customized reading list for you.
- Your personalized list will be emailed to you or you can request a paper copy to pick up at a local branch library.
If you have any questions or want to follow-up, please feel free to send us an email at or call our Reference Desk at 856-223-6050.
NoveList Plus Database
Novelist Plus is an electronic readers’ advisory resource which assists fiction and nonfiction readers in finding new authors and titles. Simple and easy to use, you can search for read-alike books, authors, and series based on what you have read before.
Novelist Plus K-8: Do you also have young readers in need of reading suggestions? Novelist Plus’ K-8 version helps them find fiction and nonfiction titles easily.
Book Discussion Groups for Adults
Click on the branch name for contact information.
- Glassboro Branch – Second Thursday of every month at 2:00 pm and first Monday of every month at 2:00 pm
- Greenwich Township Branch – First Friday of every month at 11:00 am and second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm
- Logan Township Branch – First Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm
- History Book Club – Second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm
- Bucket List Book Club – Fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm
- Mullica Hill Library – First Tuesday of every month at 2:00 pm
- Swedesboro Branch – Last Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm
Book Club in a Bag
Book Club in a Bag is a convenient kit that includes everything needed for a stimulating book discussion. Each handy tote contains 10 or 12 copies of a popular book and a list of discussion questions.
How it Works:
- Check out the entire kit for eight (8) weeks.
- Distribute books to the club members.
- Collects them after the discussion.
- Return kit to the library. (Overdue fines apply.)
List of GCLS Book Club in a Bag Sets (link to library catalog)
List of Book Club in a Bag Sets at all LOGIN libraries (link to library catalog)
For more information:
Contact Debbie Drachman at 856-223-6042 or at